Our web and digital history is deep
Jenni's notes
A bulk of our recent work has focused on creating new WordPress websites for clients that include Maine-Wabanaki REACH, the Maine Wabanaki Truth & Reconciliation Commission and Wabanaki Health and Wellness. Plus, we helped grow Facebook and Twitter channels for the TRC and REACH.
Also featured are a brain-health presentation for the Alzheimer's Association and its U.S. chapters, along with a team crisis-communications response to the death of President Ronald Reagan.
Another notable example is this website, created on Adobe Dreamweaver with the guidance of Maria Irrera of Irrera Studio Arts Web Consulting.
Samples are from REACH, Maine Wabanaki TRC, Wabanaki Health and Wellness and the Alzheimer's Association.
With a grateful nod to all collaborators, we are happy to detail our specific role.
Work is copyright of respective clients and employers. All rights reserved.